
Identity Manager 9.2.1 - Web Designer Web Portal User Guide

General tips and getting started Managing reports Security keys (WebAuthn) Requests
Setting up and configuring request functions Requesting products Managing the Saved for Later list Pending requests Displaying request history Resubmitting requests Canceling requests Renewing products with limit validity periods Unsubscribing products Displaying requests Undoing approvals Managing request inquiries directed at you Auditing requests Managing escalated requests
Managing attestation inquiries directed at you Managing attestations Attestors for attestation cases Displaying attestation history Auditing attestations My attestation cases Managing escalated attestation cases Pending attestations
Compliance Responsibilities
Auditing departments Auditing application roles Auditing devices Auditing business roles Auditing identities Auditing cost centers Auditing multi-request resources Auditing multi requestable/unsubscribable resources Auditing resources Auditing software Auditing locations Auditing system roles Auditing system entitlements Auditing assignment resources
Managing task delegations Ownerships Governance administration
Managing departments Managing business roles Managing identities Managing cost centers Managing multi-request resources Managing multi requestable/unsubscribable resources Managing resources Managing locations System entitlements Managing system roles Managing assignment resources
My responsibilities
Specifying keywords for requestable products Managing my departments Managing my application roles Managing my devices Managing my business roles Managing my identities Managing my cost centers Managing my multi-request resources Managing my multi requestable/unsubscribable resources Managing my resources Managing my software applications Managing my locations Managing my system entitlements Managing my system roles Managing my assignment resources
Opening other web applications Managing tickets Discovering your statistics on the home page Appendix: Attestation conditions and approval policies from attestation procedures Appendix: Page and menu descriptions
Information (menu description) My requests (menu description) Profile (menu description) Help (menu description) Request (menu description) Attestation (menu description)
My attestation status (page description) My actions (page description)
Pending attestations (page description)
Pending attestations – Attestation policies (page description) Pending attestations: One Identity Manager application roles (page description) Pending attestations: Departments (page description) Pending attestations: System roles (page description) Pending attestations: Locations (page description) Pending attestations: Business roles (page description) Pending attestations: PAM assets (page description) Pending attestations: PAM user accounts (page description) Pending attestations: Identities (page description) Pending attestations: Cost centers (page description) Pending attestations: User accounts (page description) Pending attestations: System entitlements (page description) Pending attestations: Resources (page description) Pending attestations: Assignment resources (page description) Pending attestation: Multi-request resources (page description) Pending attestations: Software (page description) Pending attestations: Multi requestable/unsubscribable resources (page description) Pending attestations: Devices (page description) Pending attestations – approvals (page description)
Attestation history (page description) Attestation inquiries (page description)
Auditing (page description) Governance administration (page description) Attestation escalation approval (page description)
Compliance (menu description) Responsibilities (menu description)
My responsibilities (page description)
Identities (page description) System entitlements (page description) Business roles (page description) System roles (page description) Departments (page description) Cost centers (page description) Locations (page description) Application roles (page description) Resources (page description) Assignment resources (page description) Multi-request resources (page description) Software (page description) Multi requestable/unsubscribable resources (page description) Devices (page description)
Delegating tasks (page description) Ownerships (page description) Auditing (page description)
Auditing – Departments (page description) Auditing – Application roles (page description) Auditing – Device (page description) Auditing – Business roles (page description) Auditing – Identity details (page description) Auditing – Cost center (page description) Auditing – Multi-request resources (page description) Auditing – Multi requestable/unsubscribable resources (page description) Auditing - Resources (page description) Auditing – Software (page description) Auditing – Locations (page description) Auditing – System roles (page description) Auditing - Assignment resource (page description) Auditing – Active Directory (page description) Auditing – Azure Active Directory (page description) Auditing – Custom target system group (page description) Auditing – Google Workspace (page description) Auditing – Domino (page description) Auditing – LDAP (page description) Auditing – Oracle E-Business Suite (page description) Auditing – Privileged Account Management (page description) Auditing – SAP R/3 (page description) Auditing – Unix (page description)
Governance administration (page description)
Business roles (page description) Identities (page description) Multi-request resources (page description) Multi requestable/unsubscribable resources (page description) Organization (page description) Resources (page description) System entitlements (page description) System roles (page description) Assignment resources (page description)
Tickets (menu description)

Risk assessment (page description)

To open the Risk Assessment page go to Compliance > Governance Administration > Risk Assessment.

Everyone with IT system authorization in a company represents a security risk for that company. For example, an identity with permission to edit financial data in SAP carries a higher risk than an identity with permission to edit their own main data. To quantify the risk, you can enter a risk value for every company resource in One Identity Manager. A risk index is calculated from this value for every identity that has this company resource assigned to it directly or indirectly. Company resources include target system entitlements (for example, Active Directory groups or SAP profiles), system roles, subscribable reports, software, and resources. In this way, all the people that represent a particular risk to the company can be found.

In the context of Identity Audit, compliance rules can also be given a risk index. With each rule violation, the security risk of all identities that violate the rule may increase. Therefore, these risk indexes are also included in the identities' risk calculation. You can define appropriate countermeasures through mitigating controls, and store them with the compliance rules.

Other factors can influence the calculation of identities' risk indexes. These include: the type of resource assignment (approved request or direct assignment), attestations, exception approvals for rule violations, identity's responsibilities, and defined weightings. Furthermore, the risk index can be calculated for all business roles, organizations, and system roles that have company resources assigned to them. The user account risk index is calculated based on the system entitlements assigned.

For more information about risk assessment, see the One Identity Manager Risk Assessment Administration Guide.

On the Risk Assessment page, you can perform the following actions for the risk index functions that contribute to the calculation of these indexes:

The following table gives you an overview of the various features on the Risk Assessment page.

Table 257: Columns



Object type

Shows you which objects are affected by the risk index function.


Shows you the risk index function's name.

Calculation type

Shows you the calculation type used for risk assessment.

The following calculation types are possible:

  • Maximum (weighted): The highest value from all relevant risk indexes is determined, weighted and used as the basis for further calculation.

  • Maximum (normalized): The highest value from all relevant risk indexes is calculated, weighted with the normalized weighting factor and taken as basis for the next calculation.

  • Increment: The risk index of table column (target) is incremented by a fixed value. You can see this value in the Weighting/Change value column.

  • Decrement: The risk index of the table column (target) is decreased by a fixed value. You can see this value in the Weighting/Change value column.

  • Average (normalized): The average of all relevant risk indexes is calculated with the normalized weighting factor and taken as basis for the next calculation.

  • Average (weighted): The average of all relevant risk indexes is calculated, weighted, and taken as basis for the next calculation.

  • Reduction: Used when calculating the reduced risk index for compliance rules, SAP functions, company policies, and attestation policies. You cannot add custom functions with this calculation type!

Weighting/change value

Shows, depending on the type of calculation, the value used to weigh the determined risk index in the overall calculation or the value used to alter the risk index respectively.

TIP: You can show less data by using the column filters. For more information, see Filtering.

Compliance frameworks (page description)

To open the Compliance Frameworks page go to Compliance > Governance Administration > Compliance Frameworks.

Compliance frameworks are used for classifying attestation policies, compliance rules, and company policies according to regulatory requirements.

On the Compliance Frameworks page, you can display all the compliance frameworks (see Displaying compliance frameworks).

The following table gives you an overview of the various features on the Compliance Frameworks page.

Table 258: Columns




Shows you the compliance framework's name.


Shows you a description of the compliance framework.


Shows you who is responsible for the compliance framework.

TIP: You can show less data by using the column filters. For more information, see Filtering.

Compliance framework details (page description)

To open the Compliance Frameworks page go to Compliance > Governance Administration > Compliance Frameworks > click list entry.

On the Compliance Frameworks page, you will see a overview of a specific compliance framework displayed as a HyperView (after you select it on the Compliance Frameworks page) and you can create a report listing the compliance framework's rule violation (see Displaying compliance frameworks).

The following table gives you an overview of the various features on the Compliance Frameworks page.

Table 259: Controls



Rule overview report

Use this button to generate a report about the compliance framework's rule violations.

High risk overview (page description)

To open the High Risk Overview page go to Compliance > Governance Administration > High Risk Overview.

On the High Risk Overview page, you can get overview of the objects with the highest risk factor (see Displaying high risk objects). This can help you prioritize when managing your business resources. Company resources have risk values, which provide the risk index when combined with risk index functions.

The following tables give you an overview of the various features and content on the High Risk Overview page.

Table 260: Controls



Show all high risk objects

Select this check box if you want to show all the high risk objects (instead of just the top 10) (see Displaying high risk objects).

Table 261: Columns



High Risk Objects

Display name

Shows you the object's display name.

Object type

Shows you the type of object.

Risk index

Show the object's risk index.

High Risk Identities

Full name

Shows the identity's name.

Primary department

Shows you to which department the identity is primarily assigned.

Risk index (calculated)

Shows you the identity's calculated risk index.

High Risk Business roles

Business role

Shows the business role's name.

Role class

Shows the business role's role class.

Risk index (calculated)

Shows you the business role's calculated risk index.

High Risk System roles

System role

Shows the system role's internal name.

Display name

Shows the system role's display name.

System role manager

Shows you the name of the identity responsible for the system role.

Risk index (calculated)

Shows you the system role's calculated risk index.

High Risk System entitlements


Shows the system entitlement's display name.

Group type

Shows the system entitlement's group type.

Risk index

Shows the system entitlement's risk index.

High Risk User accounts

Login name

Shows you the user name of the user account used to log in.


Shows you the user account's display name.


Shows you the name of the identity to which the user account is primarily assigned.


Shows you in which container the user account is located.

Risk index (calculated)

Shows you the calculated user account's risk index.

TIP: You can show less data by using the column filters. For more information, see Filtering.

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