Common linking error resolutions follow which may occur when linking One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords (SPP) to One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS).
Error: The browser reports errors when SPS redirects to SPP's login page, for example, This site can’t be reached. The exact error message depends on the browser.
Resolution: Click the Back button of the browser and enter the correct address into the SPP Address field.
Error: After clicking the Join button, a web site other than SPP's Login interface is displayed.
Resolution: Click the Back button of the browser and enter the correct address into the SPP Address field.
Error message: Error joining to SPP: SPS has failed to join to SPP. For more information, see the error details. (JoinFailed)
Raw error:
{ "response": "Error sending request: SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /service/core/v3/Cluster/SessionModules (Caused by SSLError(CertificateError(\"hostname '' doesn't match ''\",),))", "status": null, "url": "" }
If SPP's certificate contains SPP's IPv4 address in the Common Name or subjectAltName field, then enter that IP address when linking SPS to SPP.
If SPP's certificate contains only its DNS name in the Common Name or subjectAltName field, then use that hostname when linking SPS to SPP.
Otherwise, set up an SSL server certificate for SPP which matches its IP address in the certificate's Common Name or subjectAltNamefields (see SSL Certificates in the Safeguard Administration Guide) and retry linking. Wait about five minutes to let the timeout of the failed link request expire before starting a new link request after a failed incomplete one. (Alternatively, see Reversing the SPP to SPS join in the Safeguard Administration Guide.)
Error: Login to the SPP web interface fails.
Raw error:
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Access denied.", "success": false }
Error message: Error joining to SPP: SPS has failed to join to SPP. For more information, see the error details. (JoinFailed)
Authorization is required for this request. Code: 60108 URL: Status: 403
Error message: Error joining to SPP: SPS has failed to join to SPP. For more information, see the error details. (JoinFailed)
The session connection has a missing, invalid, or non-unique value [ NodeId ]. Code: 60657 URL: Status: 400
ERROR: Request to failed, response (HTTP 403):
{ "Code": 60108, "Message": "Authorization is required for this request.", "InnerError": null }
In addition to the monitoring tools in Safeguard for Privileged Passwords (SPP), you can use the SPP to SPS link issues during the linking process. Several SPS tools are described below.
If the linking process fails for any reason, consult the system logs.
To view the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions logs, navigate to Basic Settings > Troubleshooting > View log files.
To show only the logs for the linking process:
Use the buttons at the bottom of the dialog to perform the following tasks:
To increase the level of detail in the log, enable debug level logging:
When SPP and SPS report a successful linking, but the connections do not work, view the SPS connection logs.
In SPS, navigate to Basic Settings > Troubleshooting > View log files.
To show only the logs for the linking process:
To change the verbosity level of SPS, complete the following steps:
Select the desired log level from the Verbosity level field. The verbosity level ranges from 1 (no logging) to 10 (extremely detailed), with level 4 being the default normal level.
CAUTION: High verbosity levels generate a very large amount of log messages and might result in a very high load on the machine. Log levels set around 9 to 10, may result in logs with highly sensitive data, for example, passwords in plain text format. |
You can use the Diagnostics tools of SPP and SPS to test network issues. The following commands are available:
To execute one of the above commands on SPS, see Network troubleshooting.
To execute one of the above commands on SPP, see Diagnostics tools of SPP.
If you have an issue which needs Support assistance, you may be asked to provide an SPS Support Bundle. To collect system-state information (also known as a debug bundle) in One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions, see Collecting logs and system information for error reporting.
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