
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions 6.0 LTS - Administration Guide

Preface Introduction The concepts of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) The Welcome Wizard and the first login Basic settings
Supported web browsers and operating systems The structure of the web interface Network settings Configuring date and time System logging, SNMP and e-mail alerts Configuring system monitoring on SPS Data and configuration backups Archiving and cleanup Forwarding data to third-party systems Joining to One Identity Starling
User management and access control Managing One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
Controlling One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS): reboot, shutdown Managing Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) clusters Managing a high availability One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) cluster Upgrading One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Managing the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) license Accessing the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) console Sealed mode Out-of-band management of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Managing the certificates used on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
General connection settings HTTP-specific settings ICA-specific settings RDP-specific settings SSH-specific settings Telnet-specific settings VMware Horizon View connections VNC-specific settings Indexing audit trails Using the Search interface Searching session data on a central node in a cluster Advanced authentication and authorization techniques Reports The One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) RPC API The One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) REST API One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) scenarios Troubleshooting One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Configuring external devices Using SCP with agent-forwarding Security checklist for configuring One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Jumplists for in-product help LDAP user and group resolution in SPS Appendix: Deprecated features

Active Directory LDAP backend

In addition to the common parameters, the Active Directory (AD) backend has the following additional configurable parameters:

  • membership_check: Enable AD group membership check enables AD specific non-primary group membership checking.


    The AD user’s primary group is always checked regardless of this setting.

    • nested_groups: Enable nested groups allows AD nested group support. See below for details.

Additionally, AD supports case and accent insensitive matching in many of the user and group name attributes. Since One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) relies on the server to perform comparisons, case and accent insensitive user and group name support depends solely on the server configuration.

User identification in AD

To determine the user entry for a given plain username, SPS performs a search under user_base_dn for objects having either the sAMAccountName or the userPrincipalName equal to the plain username of the user. The objectClass of the user object is not restricted.


Although userPrincipalName in AD is a Internet-style name like user@example.com, it matches simple names like user.

Only the user object returned here is used for group membership checks.

Group membership resolution in AD

For all group membership checks, only the LDAP user object returned during user identification phase is used.

The plain group name is always compared to the cn attribute of the group object.

A user is treated as a member of a group if both the group object’s objectClass and objectCategory is group, and any of the following is true:

  • The group is the user’s primary group. That is, the objectSID attribute of the group matches the Security Identifier calculated from the user object’s objectSID and primaryGroupID attributes, as described in the Microsoft Support article How to use the PrimaryGroupID attribute to find the primary group for a user.


    When using the AD backend, this check is always performed, even if the membership_check option is disabled. However, it is OK for the user to have no primary group.

  • The group lists the user’s short username. That is, the group’s memberUid attribute contains the short username from the user object.

    This check is performed only when the membership_check option is enabled for AD.


    For the purpose of this check, the user’s short username is retrieved from the user object’s sAMAccountName attribute only, which is a single-valued attribute in AD. This is a known limitation.

    It is OK for the sAMAccountName attribute to be missing, in which case this check will be skipped.

  • The group lists the user’s dn. That is, the group object’s member attribute contains the user’s dn.

    This check is performed only when the membership_check option is enabled for AD.

    This is the only place where nested groups are supported. When the nested_groups setting is enabled in the configuration, SPS will also find groups which do not directly contain the user’s dn in their member attribute, but do contain an intermediate group’s dn, which in turn contains the user dn in its member attribute. This nesting can be arbitrarily deep, limited only by AD.


    Due to the nature of the way AD resolves the nested group chain, intermediate groups might be outside the configured group_base_dn.


Although an objectCategory in AD is a DN-valued attribute, it does match simple names like group.

Additionally, a user is treated as a member of a group if:

  • The group lists the user’s dn in any of the additional group objects configured in user_dn_in_groups.

    For example, if a row is added with objectClass set to groupOfNames and attribute set to member, SPS will treat the user as a member of all groups where the group is a groupOfNames, and the group’s member attribute contains the user’s dn.


    There is no additional restriction on the group’s objectClass in this case.

  • The user lists the group’s dn. That is, the user’s memberof_user_attribute contains the dn of the group, and the objectClass of the referred group is group.

    This check is performed only when the memberof_check option is enabled for AD.


    SPS compares the dn stored in the memberof_user_attribute to the dn of the group object itself in a strict stringwise manner. Therefore, this user attribute must contain the group DN exactly as it would be returned by the LDAP server. No case or accent differences are allowed.

Appendix: Deprecated features

These features have been deprecated and will be removed from the upcoming releases.

Deprecated: Using the Search (classic) interface

IMPORTANT: Support for the Search (classic) interface is deprecated. This feature will be removed from the upcoming releases. One Identity recommends using the supported Search interface instead. For more information, see Using the Search interface.

This section describes how to browse the audit trails stored on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS), or archived to a remote server, how to search for a specific audit trail, and also how to replay them from the browser.

Searching audit trails: the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) connection database

One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) has a search interface for browsing the audit trails. This connection database also contains the various meta-information about connections and connection-requests. The search queries can include only alphanumerical characters.

To access the search interface, navigate to Search. Only users with the following privileges can access the Search page:

  • Members of groups who are configured as Authorizers with the Search or Search&Authorize permission set in the Access Control field of a connection policy. These users can access only the audit trails of the respective connections.

    For more information on configuring authorizers for a connection, see Configuring four-eyes authorization.

  • Members of groups who have the Search privilege set.

    Assigning the Search privilege to a user on the AAA page automatically enables the Search in all connections privilege, and grants the user access to every audit trail, even if the user is not a member of the groups listed in the Access Control option of the particular connection policy.

    For more information on configuring user rights, see Managing user rights and usergroups.

  • The admin user.

Figure 308: Search — Browse the connections database

Changing the time interval

The bars display the number of results in the selected interval. Use the and icons to zoom, and the arrows to display the previous or the next intervals. To explicitly select a date, select Jump to and set the date in the calendar. You can change the length of the displayed interval with the Scale option.

Hovering the mouse above a bar displays the number of entries and the start and end date of the period that the bar represents. Click a bar to display the entries of that period in the table. Use Shift+Click to select multiple bars.

Searching connections


This feature is available only if auditing and content indexing was requested for the connection. For details, see Configuring the internal indexer.

To search in the content of the indexed audit trails, enter your search keywords in the Screen content field, and click Filter. Search is case insensitive. You can use complex expressions and boolean operators. For more information, see Using the content search.

Filtering search results

Connection metadata is displayed in customizable columns that you can filter for any parameter, or a combination of parameters. To filter the list of search results, enter the filter expression in the input field of the appropriate column, and press Enter, or click on an entry in the table.

For the description of the available columns, see Connection metadata.

For information on using and saving filters, see Using and managing search filters.


When you use filters, the bars display the statistics of the filtered results.

Filtering displays also partial matches. You can use the icon to perform an exact search, and the icon for inverse filtering ("does not include"). To clear filters from a column, click .

To restore the original table, click Clear conditions.


Use the drop-down menu of the Protocol column to quickly filter the list for a single protocol.

Exporting the search results

To export the search results as a comma-separated text file, select Export format > CSV, and click Export.

For instructions on displaying statistics about your search results, see Displaying statistics on search results.

Viewing the details of a connection

To display the summary of a connection, click , or use the shortcuts to view the corresponding connection details (for example, Events). The summary is displayed in the connection details pop-up window. For more information, see Connection details.

To download the audit trail of a session, click the icon in the Audit-trail column.

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