To remove the server package
For example, to remove the qpm-server package on a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 system, run:
# rpm --erase qpm-server
To remove the agent package
Run the package uninstall command for your operating system.
For example, to remove the qpm-agent package on a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 system, run:
# rpm --erase qpm-agent
Privilege Manager for Unix provides command line utilities to help you manage your policy servers. They can be used to check the status of your policy servers, edit the policy, or to simply report the information.
To report basic information about the configuration of a policy server
From the command line, enter:
# pmsrvinfo
This command returns output similar to this:
Policy Server Configuration: ---------------------------- Privilege Manager for Unix version : (nnn) Listening port for pmmasterd daemon : 12345 Comms failover method : random Comms timeout(in seconds) : 10 Policy type in use : pmpolicy Group ownership of logs : pmlog Group ownership of policy repository : pmpolicy Policy server type : primary Primary policy server for this group : Group name for this group : MyPolicyGroup Location of the repository : file: ////var/opt/quest/qpm4u/.qpm4u/.repository/sudo_repos/trunk Hosts in the group :
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