Creating a custom platform script
A custom platform script identifies the platform's commands and associated details. Scripts are written in JSON. Scripts include metadata, parameters, function blocks, operations, and if/then constructs to authenticate to the platform and perform password or SSH key validation and reset. The custom platform script is uploaded when adding the custom platform.
An Asset Administrator can create an asset and accept default values in the associated custom script. If you later upload a new version of the custom platform script with different defaults, the asset defaults are not changed.
A delegated administrator cannot create a custom platform script.
Sample scripts
Sample custom platform scripts and command details are available at the following links available from the on GitHub:
CAUTION: Example scripts are provided for information only. Updates, error checking, and testing are required before using them in production. SPP checks to ensure the values match the type of the property that include a string, boolean, integer, or password (which is called secret in the API scripts). SPP cannot check the validity or system impact of values entered for custom platforms. |
During development, check your JSON using a validator.
Adding a custom platform
It is the responsibility of the Asset Administrator to configure the rules so SPP handles custom platforms. The custom platform script must be available for uploading. For more information, see Creating a custom platform script..
To add a custom platform
- Have the custom platform script file available to upload.
- Navigate to:
web client: Asset Management > Connect and Platforms > Custom Platforms.
- Click
- These fields display:
- Name: Enter the unique name of the platform type, which may be a product name.
Platform Script: Click Browse. Navigate to and select the script file. Click Open. The selected custom platform script file displays.
- Select the Allow Sessions Requests check box to allow session access requests. This check box is typically selected for SSH. Clear the Allow Sessions check box to prohibit session access requests.
- Click OK. If the custom platform script has errors, an error message like the following displays: Definition was not a valid json object .
Importing objects
SPP allows you to import a .csv file containing a set of accounts, assets, or users. A .csv template for import can be downloaded when you click
Import from the toolbar then click Download Template. The hard limit on file size 100 MiB. For more information, see Creating an import file.
To import Assets and Users
Navigate to Assets or Users based on what data you are importing.
Import from the toolbar.
In the Import dialog, click Import to select an existing .csv file containing a list of objects to import.
Click OK. SPP imports the objects into its database. The dialog will update as the import progresses and will alert you should any errors be found.
To import Accounts
Navigate to Accounts.
Import from the toolbar.
When importing accounts, you can import accounts, passwords and SSH keys separately. In this case, the Import button works as a drop-down. First, you need to import accounts. Select Import Accounts.
Then, depending on what data you want to import, select Import Passwords or Import SSH Keys.
In the Import dialog, click Import to select an existing .csv file containing a list of objects to import.
Click OK. SPP imports the objects into its database. The dialog will update as the import progresses and will alert you should any errors be found.
When importing Starling User accounts from Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD), there are some expected differences.
For Starling type Identity Provider required fields are:
Name: This must have an entry of the user UserPrincipalName. Any other entry will be overwritten.
PrimaryAuthenticationProvider/Name: This will be the Starling provider name.
PrimaryAuthenticationProvider/Identity: This is the AAD user Id.
IdentityProvider/Name: This tells the import what type of user to import.
The following fields will be populated from the AAD user properties. An entry for these fields in the CSV import file will be overwritten by the information from AAD.
For more information about asset creation, see Adding an asset.
Creating an import file
When importing objects, such as accounts, assets, or users, SPP expects the import file to be a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
A CSV file is a text file used to store database entries where each line is a unique record and each record consists of fields of data separated by commas. You must not add any trailing spaces in the properties you define in the CSV file. The easiest way to create a CSV file is by using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel; however, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, to create a comma-delineated file, as long as you save the file with a .csv file type extension.
The order of the columns is not important, but the title of the column must match the property name.
To create a customized .csv file template
In the Import dialog, click Download Template to save a copy of the template properties table to a location of your choice.
Locate the downloaded template and add your specific information to the template.
Use the customized .csv file to import the objects.
For more information on columns, see Template CSV file.