When you have configured the external indexer, and added all decryption keys, you can start running the service.
To start the external indexer
Start the indexer service using the following command.
On Red Hat or CentOS 6.5:
service external-indexer start
On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
systemctl start external-indexer.service
Verify that the indexer service is running. Execute the ps aux command. In the output, you should see a workercontroller and one or more indexerworker processes. The number of the indexerworker processes should be the same number you set for the number_of_workers key of the /etc/indexer/indexerworker.cfg file.
Verify the indexer-certs.cfg configuration file.
Check the system logs of the host of the external indexer. The "Error loading key store" log indicates that there was a problem with the indexer-certs.cfg configuration file.
Verify that the indexer host is displayed in the list of indexers on the Indexer > Indexer status page of the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) web interface.
To reduce load on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS), you can disable indexing audit trails on the box. Note that this introduces delays when generating on-demand screenshots for audit trail searches.
Disabling indexing on the SPS box works only if an external indexer is available. If SPS cannot detect the presence of an external indexer (for example, because of a network outage), indexing is re-enabled on SPS automatically with one indexing process.
To disable indexing on SPS
On the SPS web interface, navigate to Basic Settings > Local Services > Indexer service.
Set the Maximum parallel audit trails to index on box to 0.
Click .
The indexers that run on an external host send log messages into the standard syslog of the external host. These log messages are not visible on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS).
The indexers use the standard init.d framework of the host. You can restart the indexer processes using the /etc/init.d/indexerworker restart command, and the entire indexer service using the /etc/init.d/external-indexer restart command. Note that restarting the indexer service automatically restarts the worker processes as well.
The hosts that are running indexers should be visible in the list of indexers on the Indexer > Indexer status page of the SPS web interface.
The following describes how to upgrade the indexer application on your external indexer hosts.
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) 5 F4 and later versions use a new encryption algorithm to encrypt the recorded audit trails (AES128-GCM). This change has the following effects:
Before you start, create a backup copy of the /etc/indexer/indexerworker.cfg and /etc/indexer/indexer-certs.cfg indexer configuration files.
To upgrade the indexer application on your external indexer hosts
Download the latest indexer package from the Downloads page.
Due to legal reasons, installation packages of the external indexer application will be available only from the SPS web interface. After SPS versions 6.3 and 6.0.2 are released, the installation packages will be removed from our website. |
Copy the downloaded .rpm package to your external indexer hosts.
Stop the indexer by using the following command.
On Red Hat or CentOS 6.5:
service external-indexer stop
On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
systemctl stop external-indexer.service
Execute the following command: yum upgrade -y indexer.rpm
Resolve any warnings displayed during the upgrade process.
Restart the indexer by using the following command.
On Red Hat or CentOS 6.5:
service external-indexer start
On Red Hat or CentOS 7:
systemctl start external-indexer.service
Repeat this procedure on every indexer host.
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