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Identity Manager 8.2 - Configuration Guide

About this guide One Identity Manager software architecture Customizing the One Identity Manager default configuration Customizing the One Identity Manager base configuration One Identity Manager schema basics Editing the user interface
Object definitions for the user interface User interface navigation Forms for the user interface Statistics in One Identity Manager Extending the Launchpad Task definitions for the user interface Applications for configuring the user interface Icons and images for configuring the user interface Using predefined database queries
Localization in One Identity Manager Process orchestration in One Identity Manager
Mapping processes in One Identity Manager Setting up Job servers
The One Identity Manager Service functionality Tracking changes with process monitoring Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions Scripts in One Identity Manager
Visual Basic .NET scripts usage Notes on message output Notes on using date values Tips for using Windows PowerShell scripts Using dollar ($) notation Using base objects Calling functions Pre-scripts for use in processes and process steps Using session services Using #LD-notation Script library Support for processing scripts in the Script Editor Creating and editing scripts in the Script Editor Copying scripts in the Script Editor Testing scripts in the Script Editor Testing script compilation in the Script Editor Overriding scripts Permissions for running scripts Editing and testing script code with the System Debugger Extended debugging in the Object Browser
One Identity Manager query language Reports in One Identity Manager Adding custom tables or columns to the One Identity Manager schema Web service integration SOAP Web Service One Identity Manager as SPML provisioning service provider Processing DBQueue tasks One Identity Manager Service configuration files

Editing general report properties

To edit general report properties

  1. In the Report Editor, open the report.

  2. Select the Properties tab in the properties dialog.

  3. Edit the general properties.

  4. Save the changes.

Table 149: General report properties
Property Meaning


Report name Label custom reports with the CCC_ prefix.

Display name

Display name of the report. The display name is available when the report is created as ReportAlias. It can, for example, be used to compose the title of the report or the file name when you export a report in the Web Portal. Translate the given text using the button.

The report display name can contain variables, permitted are system variables such as report parameters. The variables are passed using a percent character.


Name of report %variable%

Max. runtime [sec]

Maximum number of seconds available to generate the report If this period is exceeded, the report stops generating.


Report description. Translate the given text using the button.

Filter criteria

Filter criteria for displaying the report in the web front-end.

Base table

Basis table for the report.


Category for classifying reports. Permitted values are the Common, Mail, Attestation, and Dashboard categories.

Preprocessor condition

Preprocessor conditions can be added to reports. In this case, a report is only available if the preprocessor condition is fulfilled.

Custom properties > Spare field no. 01 ... Spare field no. 10

Additional company-specific information. Use the Designer to customize display names, formats, and templates for the input fields.

Extended properties > Report

UID for finding the report in the database.

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Creating and editing data sources

For each report you need to create a data source from which to read the report data to be displayed. Normally one data source is sufficient for one report. However, you can define several data sources for each report. You can test the results while processing a data source.

To edit a data source

  1. In the Report Editor, open the report .

  2. Select the Data source tab in the properties dialog box.

  3. Select the data source from the Defined queries list.

    - OR -

    Click Add.

    This creates a new data source.

  4. Edit the data source properties.

  5. Save the changes.

To test a data query

  1. In the Report Editor, open the report .

  2. Select the Data source tab in the properties dialog box.

  3. Select the data source from the Defined queries list.

  4. Click the button next to Query module.

    The result of a data source is shown in a separate dialog.

NOTE: When a data query is copied to the clipboard, a database query is generated in SQL syntax, which you can run on the database with an appropriate SQL query tool. To copy the data query, use the button next to Query module.

To delete a data source

  1. In the Report Editor, open the report .

  2. Select the Data source tab in the properties dialog box.

  3. Select the data source from the Defined queries list.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Save the changes.

Detailed information about this topic
Related topics

Data retrieval using SQL queries

Data queries with the SQL query module are run directly on the database without checking user access permissions. This means that a column to be used in the report is displayed even though the user may not have access permission to it.

Table 150: Data source SQL properties
Property Meaning


Name of the data source.


Description of data source.

Max. lines

Maximum number of result lines for this query.

NOTE: The report only displays results up to this maximum even if the number of results exceeds it. In the default, no error messages or tips are displayed. Any possible messages must be customized in the report.

Parent query

Not used.

Query module

Select the SQL query module.


Full database query SQL syntax. The query must contain all the columns used in the report. You can also use SQL parameters in the query. Add these parameters subsequently to the report by entering them on the Parameters tab.

Syntax for parameters:

@<parameter name>

Syntax for parameters of Date data type and a scope (time period from/until):

@<parameter name>Start

@<parameter name>End

Example of usage in the SQL query:

and StartDate between @<parameter name>Start and @<parameter name>End


The query should return the employees (Person table) assigned to an department. The department (UID_Department) is found with the object key (XObjectKey). This is passed as a parameter to the report. The query queries employee‘s first name (firstname), last name (lastname), and department name (departmentname).

Select Firstname, Lastname, Departmentname

from person join Department

on person.uid_Department = department.uid_Department

where Department.XObjectKey = @ObjectKeyBase

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Data retrieval using database views

You can use the View query module to create data queries using predefined database views and thus control user access permissions.

Table 151: Data source view properties
Property Meaning


Name of the data source.


Description of data source.

Max. lines

Maximum number of result lines for this query. If this number is exceeded, the report stops generating.

Parent query

Not used.

Query module

Select the View query module.

View name

Name of the database view.


Condition for limiting the data set returned from the database table. You formulate the condition as a valid WHERE clause for database queries. You may use SQL parameters in the condition. Add these parameters subsequently to the report by entering them on the Parameters tab.

Syntax for parameters:


Sort order

The data queries are sorted by these database view columns.

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