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Identity Manager 9.3 - Web Application Configuration Guide

About this guide Managing the API Server Configuring API projects and web applications
General configuration Configuring the Administration Portal Configuring the Application Governance Module Configuring the Password Reset Portal Configuring the Web Portal
Configuring departments Configuring address books Ansichten konfigurieren Configuring application roles Configuring the Application Governance Module Configuring attestation Configuring authentication by accepting the terms of use Configuring request functions Configuring delegation Configuring your own API filter Configuring your own filters Configuring recommendations for adding entitlements to objects Configuring devices Configuring business roles Configuring the help desk module/tickets Configuring hyperviews Configuring identities Configuring password questions Configuring cost centers Configuring service items Program functions for the Web Portal Configuring software Configuring locations Configuring statistics Configuring system roles Skip table sorting Configuring team roles Configuring the four eyes principle for issuing a passcode. Configuring WebAuthn security keys
Configuring the Operations Support Web Portal
Recommendations for secure operation of web applications

Configuring requests of products recommended from peer group

Web Portal users can request products that have been requested by other identities within your system. Managers can also see products from the peer group of an identity reporting to them.

A peer group contains all the identities that have the same manager or the same primary or secondary department as the request recipient.

Required configuration keys:

  • Products are recommended by peer group analysis (ProductSelectionByPeerGroup): Specifies whether to recommend products when creating a new request by analyzing the recipient's peer group.

  • Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested (ReferenceUserUseRequestedOnly): Specifies which products and assignments are displayed to users when they make a request using a reference user or the peer group.

To enable or disable requesting of recommended products from the peer group

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Products are recommended by peer group analysis configuration key.

  5. Perform one of the following actions:

    • To enable requesting of recommended products from the peer group, select the Products are recommended by peer group analysis check box.

    • To disable requesting of recommended products from the peer group, clear the Products are recommended by peer group analysis check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

To specify which products and assignments are shown to users

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested configuration key.

  5. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • To show users only products and assignments that have been requested for the reference user or members of the peer group, select the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested check box.

    • To show users all the products and assignments that are assigned to the reference user or members of the peer group (type is irrelevant), clear the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

Configuring requesting by reference users

Web Portal users can request products that have a specific identity. This is called requesting by reference user.

Required configuration keys:

  • Products can be requested through reference user (VI_ITShop_ProductSelectionByReferenceUser): Enables or disables the "By reference user" function in the Web Portal.

  • Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested (ReferenceUserUseRequestedOnly): Specifies which products and assignments are displayed to users when they make a request using a reference user or the peer group.

To enable or disable requesting by reference user

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Products can be requested through reference user configuration key.

  5. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • To enable the "By reference user" function, select the Products can be requested through reference user check box.

    • To disable the "By reference user" function, clear the Products can be requested through reference user check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

To specify which products and assignments are shown to users

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested configuration key.

  5. Perform one of the following tasks:

    • To show users only products and assignments that have been requested for the reference user or members of the peer group, select the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested check box.

    • To show users all the products and assignments that are assigned to the reference user or members of the peer group (type is irrelevant), clear the Product selection for reference user and peer group uses only products and assignments that have been requested check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

Configuring recipients of delegated requests

Web Portal users can give an another identity the task of approving a request. This identity is added as approver in the current approval step and approves instead.

Required configuration keys:

  • Recipients of delegated requests (ServerConfig/ITShopConfig/FilterIdentityApproverInsteadOf): Specify which identities are given approval of requests through delegation.

To configure recipients of delegated requests

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Recipients of delegated requests configuration key.

  5. In the Value field, enter an appropriate WHERE clause.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

Configuring missing user account as optional product

Every time you request a system entitlement, you can specify whether the system checks if the recipient has a user account for this target system. If not, you can specify whether a user account is offered with the request.

Required configuration keys:

  • Display missing user accounts as optional products (RequestMissingAccounts): Specifies whether the system checks if the recipient has a user account for the target system every time a system entitlement is requested. If not, whether a user account is offered with the request.

To enable or disable offering missing user accounts as optional products

  1. Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).

  2. In the navigation, click Configuration.

  3. On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.

  4. Expand the Display missing user accounts as optional products configuration key.

  5. Perform one of the following actions:

    • To enable offering missing user accounts as optional products, select the Display missing user accounts as optional products check box.

    • To disable offering missing user accounts as optional products, clear the Display missing user accounts as optional products check box.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Perform one of the following actions:

    • If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.

    • If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.

  8. Click Apply.

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