You can specify whether user are allowed to navigate in hyperviews. That means users can jump from one hyperview to another hyperview by clicking on a linked object.
Required configuration keys:
Navigation in hyperviews is possible (EnableHyperViewNavigation): Specifies whether users can navigate in hyperviews.
To enable or disable navigation in hyperviews
Log in to the Administration Portal (see Logging in to the Administration Portal).
In the navigation, click Configuration.
On the Configuration page, in the Show configuration for the following API project drop-down, select the Web Portal API project.
Expand the Navigation in hyperviews is possible configuration key.
Perform one of the following actions:
To enable navigation in hyperviews, set the Navigation in hyperviews is possible check box.
To disable navigation in hyperviews, clear the Navigation in hyperviews is possible check box.
Click Apply.
Perform one of the following actions:
If you want to apply the changes locally only, click Apply locally.
If you want to apply the changes globally, click Apply globally.
Click Apply.