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Identity Manager 9.3 - Web Application Configuration Guide

About this guide Managing the API Server Configuring API projects and web applications
General configuration Configuring the Administration Portal Configuring the Application Governance Module Configuring the Password Reset Portal Configuring the Web Portal
Configuring departments Configuring address books Ansichten konfigurieren Configuring application roles Configuring the Application Governance Module Configuring attestation Configuring authentication by accepting the terms of use Configuring request functions Configuring delegation Configuring your own API filter Configuring your own filters Configuring recommendations for adding entitlements to objects Configuring devices Configuring business roles Configuring the help desk module/tickets Configuring hyperviews Configuring identities Configuring password questions Configuring cost centers Configuring service items Program functions for the Web Portal Configuring software Configuring locations Configuring statistics Configuring system roles Skip table sorting Configuring team roles Configuring the four eyes principle for issuing a passcode. Configuring WebAuthn security keys
Configuring the Operations Support Web Portal
Recommendations for secure operation of web applications

Recommendations for secure operation of web applications

Here are some solutions that have been tried and tested in conjunction with One Identity Manager tools to guarantee secure operation of One Identity web applications. You decide which security measures are appropriate for your individually customized web applications.

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Always run the One Identity Manager's web application over the secure communications protocol "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure" (HTTPS).

In order for the web application to use the secure communications protocol, you can force the use of the "Secure Sockets Layer" (SSL) when you install the application. For more information for using HTTPS/SSL, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

Disabling the HTTP request method TRACE

The TRACE request allows the path to the web server to be traced and to check that data is transferred there correctly. This allows a trace route to be determined at application level, meaning the path to the web server over various proxies. This method is particularly useful for debugging connections.

IMPORTANT: TRACE should not be enabled in a production environment because it can reduce performance.

To disable the HTTP request method TRACE using Internet Information Services

  • You will find instructions by following this link:

Disabling insecure encryption mechanisms

It is recommended that you disable all unnecessary encryption methods and protocols on the grounds of security. If you disable redundant protocols and methods, older platforms and systems may not be able to establish connections with web applications anymore. Therefore, you must decide which protocols and methods are necessary, based on the platforms required.

NOTE: The software "IIS Crypto" from Nartac Software is recommended for disabling encryption methods and protocols.

For more information about disabling, see here.

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