To import Azure or Office 365 Windows PowerShell modules, and run their scripts within existing Active Roles workflows, configure an Office 365 (O365) automation workflow.
Before starting the configuration of an O365 automation workflow, make sure that the following conditions are met:
The following Windows PowerShell modules are installed on the system running Active Roles:
If these PowerShell modules are not installed, Active Roles cannot run workflows that include O365 PowerShell script execution activities.
NOTE: Consider the following when planning to use the Exchange Online Management module:
To run a Sample Azure Hybrid Migration script, an on-premises Microsoft Exchange deployment must be available.
As Exchange Online is connected to Exchange Online PowerShell, make sure that the URL is not blocked in your organization domain, and that network connectivity is available.
You already created the O365 script module to use as a script activity with the O365 automation workflow. For more information, see Script activity.
To create an Office 365 automation workflow
- In the Active Roles Console (also known as the MMC Interface), expand Configuration > Policies.
- To launch the New Workflow wizard, right-click Workflow, and select New > Workflow in the context menu.
- On the Name and Description page, enter a Name and optionally, a Description for the new workflow.
- On the Workflow Type page, under This workflow is intended to start, select On user demand or on a scheduled basis (automation workflow).
- On the Completion page, click Finish.
- To configure the Azure tenant connection settings of the new O365 automation workflow, double-click the workflow to open the Workflow Designer, then click Basic Activities > O365 script execution configuration.
Specify the Azure tenant with one of the available methods:
Under Select a Tenant to configure O365 Services, select the Azure tenant you want to use with the automation workflow. This setting lists all Azure tenants that are configured in the Active Roles Configuration Center, as described in Configuring a new Azure tenant and consenting Active Roles as an Azure application.
Alternatively, to provide the Azure tenant connection details manually, click the parameters under Parameter values, and specify the Tenant ID, Tenant Name, Application (Client) ID, and Application (Client) Certificate Thumbprint of the Azure tenant as they appear on the Azure portal.
NOTE: Providing the Azure tenant details manually overrides the selection of the Select a Tenant to configure O365 Services drop-down list.
To apply your changes, click OK.
To specify the O365 script to use in the workflow, click Basic Activities > Script.
In the Script Activity window, in the General tab, specify the Name (and optionally, the Description) of the O365 script.
To select the O365 script to use in the automation workflow, click Script to use > Browse, then select your O365 script in the Script Modules tree.
To apply your changes, click OK.
NOTE: The configured workflow will run successfully only if the specified script is well-formed and complete.
This section contains Office 365 (O365) workflow script samples for reference.
The O365ImportModules function lets you load an array of Azure and O365 Windows PowerShell modules. The function supports loading the following modules:
Once the modules are loaded, the function creates a connection to the specified modules with the connection details specified in the O365 script execution configuration workflow activity. For more information, see Creating an Office 365 automation workflow.
Example: Importing all supported Azure and O365 Windows PowerShell modules
In this example, the O365ImportModules function is used to import all Windows PowerShell modules that O365 automation workflows support. After that, one command is invoked for each imported PowerShell module, respectively.
function TestImportAll() {
$context.O365ImportModules(@("Az", "AzureAD", "ExchangeOnlineManagement"))
Get-AzureADApplication -Filter "DisplayName eq 'ActiveRoles'" | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath C:\WS\Files\AzureAD.txt
Get-AzContext | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath C:\WS\Files\Az.txt
Get-EXOMailbox -Identity ExampleUser | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath C:\WS\Files\ExchangeOnlineManagement.txt
$context.O365ImportModule (module)
The O365ImportModule function lets you load a single O365 or Azure Windows PowerShell module. If you have multiple versions of the specified module installed, you can also specify the module version to load.
NOTE: The O365ImportModule function supports specifying major module versions only (such as version 2.x).
Example: Importing the Azure AD PowerShell module
In this example, the O365ImportModule function is used to import version 2.x of the Microsoft Azure AD Windows PowerShell module.
function TestImportTeamsModule() {
$context.O365ImportModule("AzureAD", 2)
$context.O365ExecuteScriptCmd(string-or-cmd )
The O365ExecuteScriptCmd function passes any string or command specified in the script, then runs and returns the results as a PSObject.
The O365RemoveAllModulesSessions script disconnects all PSSessions and removes all modules from the PowerShell pool, allowing Active Roles to import new modules again.
Example: Removing all Windows Powershell module sessions
In this example, the O365RemoveAllModulesSessions function is used to disconnect the PSSession related to a previously loaded AzureAD module, and then remove the AzureAD module from the PowerShell pool.
#Get a list of disabled users and Directory Roles available
$_usersinroles= @()
$_default_log = "C:\temp\Roles.csv"
$context.O365ExecuteScriptCmd("get-azureaduser -filter 'accountEnabled eq false'" +" | Export-Csv " +"c:\temp\DisabledUsers.csv" +" -NoTypeInformation")
$context.O365ExecuteScriptCmd("Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Export-csv "+$_default_log )
To create new Office 365 shared mailboxes, use the Create Office 365 Shared Mailboxes built-in workflow. This workflow uses two other built-in resources:
By default, the Create Office 365 Shared Mailboxes workflow is disabled, as One Identity recommends using it as a template for custom workflows that uses the required values in the script, such as Mailbox name, Mailbox display name, Alias, and recipients to grant the Send As permission.
The Create Office 365 Shared Mailboxes workflow is located in the Configuration > Policies > Workflow > Builtin container of the Active Roles Console (also known as the MMC interface). The required Create Office 365 Shared Mailboxes script is located in the Configuration > Policies > Script Modules > Builtin container.
To enable an existing directory role in Azure Active Directory, use the Enabling Azure Roles built-in workflow. This workflow uses two other built-in resources:
By default, the Enabling Azure Roles workflow is disabled, as One Identity recommends using it as a template for custom workflows that would use the required values in the script, such as the directory role display name.
The Enabling Azure Roles workflow is located in the Configuration > Policies > Workflow > Builtin container of the Active Roles Console (also known as the MMC interface). The required Enabling Azure Roles script is located in the Configuration > Policies > Script Modules > Builtin container.