Using Configuration Center
Configuration Center provides a single solution for configuring Administration Service instances and Web Interface sites, allowing you to perform the core configuration tasks from a single location. Highlights include:
- Initial configuration tasks such as creation of Administration Service instances and default Web Interface sites
- Import of configuration and management history from earlier Active Roles versions
- Management of core Administration Service settings such as the Active Roles Admin account, service account, and database connection
- Creation of Web Interface sites based on site configuration objects of the current Active Roles version or by importing site configuration objects of earlier Active Roles versions
- Management of core Web Interface site settings such as the site’s address on the Web server and configuration object on the Administration Service
- Configuration of One Identity Starling Join for Active Roles
- Management of MMC interface user access
The Configuration Center operations are fully scriptable using Windows PowerShell command-line tools provided by the Active Roles Management Shell.
Configuration Center design elements
Configuration Center is composed of the following elements:
- From the Web Interface page, you can view, create, modify, delete Web Interface sites, enable force SSL redirection, and configure authentication settings; export configuration of any existing Web Interface site to a file; open each site in a Web browser. The site parameters available for setting, viewing and changing include the site’s address (URL, which is based on the Web site and alias of the Web application that implements the Web Interface site on the Web server) and the configuration object that stores the site’s configuration data on the Administration Service. When creating or modifying a Web Interface site, you can reuse an existing configuration object, or create a new configuration object based on a template or by importing data from another configuration object or from an export file.
Wizards that start from hub pages help you manage configuration settings. Management wizards streamline the core configuration tasks by reducing time it takes to change the service account, Active Roles Admin account and database; import configuration and management history; and configure Web Interface sites on the Web server.
- From the Join to One Identity Starling wizard, you can enable Active Roles to connect to One Identity Starling, the Software as a Service (SaaS) solution of One Identity.
- From the MMC Interface Access wizard, you can manage the settings for enabling or disabling user login to MMC interface.
- Configuration Shell Active Roles Management Shell enables access to all Configuration Center features and functions from a command line or from a script, allowing for unattended configuration of Active Roles components. The Windows PowerShell module named
provides cmdlets for the key set of configuration tasks, such as creation of the Active Roles database, creation or modification of Administration Service instances and Web Interface sites, data exchange between Active Roles databases and between site configuration objects, querying the current state of the Administration Service, and starting, stopping or restarting the Administration Service. The cmdlets provided by the ActiveRolesConfiguration
module have their noun prefixed with AR, such as New-ARDatabase, Set-ARService, or Set-ARWebSite.
Configuring a local or remote Active Roles instance
Configuring a local or remote Active Roles instance
Configuration Center is installed as part of the Management Tools component when you install Active Roles on a 64-bit (x64) system. You can use this tool to perform configuration tasks on the local or remote computer that has the current version of the Administration Service or Web Interface installed. Configuration Center looks for these components on the local computer and, if no components has been found, prompts you to connect to a remote computer. Another way to connect to a remote computer is by using the menu on the heading bar at the top of the Configuration Center main window.
When connecting to a remote computer, Configuration Center prompts you for a user name and password. This must be the name and password of a domain user account that belongs to the Administrators group on the remote computer. In addition, whether you are going to perform configuration tasks on the local computer or on a remote computer, your logon account must be a member of the Administrators group on the computer running Configuration Center.
To perform configuration tasks on a remote computer, Configuration Center requires Windows PowerShell remoting to be enabled on that computer. Run the Enable-PSRemoting command in the PowerShell console to enable remoting (see the Enable-PSRemoting help topic at for further details). On Windows Server 2016 or later, remoting is enabled by default.
Running Configuration Center
Configuration Center is installed and, by default, automatically started after you install the Administration Service or Web Interface, allowing you to perform initial configuration tasks on the computer on which you have installed those components. If you close Configuration Center and want to start it again, you can start Configuration Center from the following locations:
- On Windows Server 2016 or later, click the Active Roles 7.6 Configuration Center tile on the Apps page.
As Configuration Center can manage Active Roles not only on the local computer but also on remote computers, it is possible to use it on a client operating system as well as on server operating systems. You can install Configuration Center by installing Active Roles Management Tools on a 64-bit (x64) server or client operating system, and then connect it to a remote computer on which the Administration Service or Web Interface is installed. To start Configuration Center on a client operating system:
- On Windows 7, select Start | All Programs | One Identity Active Roles 7.6 | Active Roles 7.6 Configuration Center.
- On Windows 8 or later, click the Active Roles 7.6 Configuration Center tile on the Apps page.