Create a new Azure AD user
You can use the Active Roles Management Shell to create a new user. To create a new user, on the Management Shell interface, run the New-QADUser cmdlet. Use this cmdlet with the additional Boolean parameters AzureUserAccountEnabled, AzureOffice365Enabled, and AzureAssociateTenantId to create and enable a new Azure AD user. To retrieve and update Azure properties edsvaAzureObjectID attribute with correct value is required.
For more information on creating a new Azure AD user using the Management Shell interface, see the Active Roles Management Shell Help.
Create a new Azure AD user:
C:\PS> New-QADUser -name 'user64' -ParentContainer 'CN=Users,DC=SS64,DC=com' -UserPassword 'Pass123w0rd' -AzureUserAccountEnabled $true -AzureOffice365Enabled $true -AzureUserPrincipalName 'user64@Azuredomain'-AzureAssociatedTenantId 'f918cb6c-275a-4815-8863-d7cbb90598b2'
You can add additional attribute using -attr @{}:
C:\PS> New-QADUser -name 'user64' -ParentContainer 'CN=Users,DC=SS64,DC=com' -UserPassword 'Pass123w0rd' -AzureUserAccountEnabled $true -AzureOffice365Enabled $true -AzureUserPrincipalName 'user64@Azuredomain' -AzureAssociatedTenantId 'f918cb6c-275a-4815-8863-d7cbb90598b2' -attr @{edsaAzureUserGivenName='user64';edsaAzureUserUsageLocation='IN'}