To reboot or shut down One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
- Navigate to Basic Settings > System > System control > This node.
- Click the respective action button.
The Other node refers to the secondary node of a High Availability SPS cluster. For details on High Availability clusters, see Managing a High Availability One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) cluster.
Figure 101: Basic Settings > System > System Control — Performing basic management
NOTE: Web sessions to the SPS interface are persistent and remain open after rebooting SPS, so you do not have to relogin after a reboot.
During the reboot process, SPS displays information about the progress of the reboot and any possible problems in the following places:
On the web interface of SPS, at any of the Listening addresses configured at Basic settings > Local Services > Web login (admin and user). (After booting, you are directed to the login screen of SPS.)
On the console, which you can monitor with IPMI (ILOM) or console access.
The information displayed in the browser and on the console is the same.