string ldap_get_dn(int ldapid, ldapentry entry[, boolean trace])
ldap_get_dn returns the DN of the specified entry, as a string. ldapentry is a valid entry returned by a previous call to ldap_first_entry or ldap_next_entry.
If the optional trace parameter is set to true, any errors or warnings from the LDAP function are written to stdout.
list ldap_get_values(int ldapid, ldapentry entry, string attr[, boolean trace] )
ldap_get_values returns a list of values for the specified attribute from the given LDAP entry.
If the optional trace parameter is set to true, any errors or warnings from the LDAP function are written to stdout.
values=ldap_get_values(ldapid, entry, "uid"); if (user !in values) { reject "You are not authorized"; }
string ldap_next_attribute(int ldapid, ldapentry entry[, boolean trace])
ldap_next_attribute returns the next attribute name in the ldapentry returned by a previous call to ldap_first_entry or ldap_next_entry.
If the optional trace parameter is set to true, any errors or warnings from the LDAP function are written to stdout.
str=ldap_first_attribute(ldapid, entry); while (length(str) > 0) { #process attribute … str=ldap_next_attribute(ldapid, entry); }
int ldap_next_entry(int ldapid, ldapentry entry[, boolean trace] )
ldap_next_entry returns the next entry from the series of results returned by ldap_search, if present; otherwise it returns a NULL or empty entry.
If the optional trace parameter is set to true, any errors or warnings from the LDAP function are written to stdout.
entry=ldap_first_entry(ldapid, searchresults); while( entry) { func_process_entry(entry); entry=ldap_next_entry(ldapid, entry); }
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