int hashtable_create ()
hashtable_create creates a new hash table that can be used to store key-value pairs in a format that allows more efficient searching than an array.
Returns an identifier that you can use to add entries to and search the hash table.
hid=hashtable_create(); hashtable_add(hid, "unxadm", {"johnd", "davel", "jamesp"}); hashtable_add(hid, "winadm", {"marym", "stevec", "janel"}); print("Windows Admin Group:" + hashtable_lookup(hid, "winadm"));
string hashtable_enum (int hid, [int reset])
hashtable_enum returns the next entry in a hash table.
hid=hashtable_create(); hashtable_add(hid, "unxadm", {"johnd", "davel", "jamesp"}); hashtable_add(hid, "winadm", {"marym", "stevec", "janel"}); print("Windows Admin Group:" + hashtable_lookup(hid, "winadm")); for (x=hashtable_enum (hid,1); x!=""; x=hashtable_enum(hid,0)) { printf("Table contains key=%s\n", x); }
int hashtable_import ( int hid, string filename )
hashtable_import reads a specified file and uses the contents to create a hash table containing hash table entries, one per line, consisting of a single hash key, a colon, and a comma-separated list of hash values. The file may also contain comments delimited by the # character.
If successfully imported, it returns the number of entries in the hash table.
#File admgroups.txt contains the formatted text unxadm:john,bob,fred,jane winadm:mary,chris,henry #policy loads this file into a hashtable that identifies the group permissions, hid=hashtable_create(); count=hashtable_import(hid, "/etc/opt/quest/qpm4u/tables/admgroups.txt"); printf("Import loaded %d groups\n", count); unxadm=hashtable_lookup(hid, "unxadm"); if (user !in unxadm) { reject "You are not authorized to run this command"; }
list hashtable_lookup ( int hid, string key)
hashtable_lookup searches the specified hash table for the key.
If it finds the key, it returns the associated list, otherwise it returns an empty list.
hid=hashtable_create(); hashtable_add(hid, "unxadm", {"johnd", "davel", "jamesp"}); hashtable_add(hid, "winadm", {"marym", "stevec", "janel"}); print("Windows Admin Group:" + hashtable_lookup(hid, "winadm"));
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