function ( parameter = expression, ... ) { statement ... }
See procedure / function for a full description of function.
if ( expression ) statement
if ( expression ) statement else statement
The if-else statement is a conditional statement. It runs the specified statement if the specified expression evaluates to true (a non-zero value). If the else part is present, it runs the associated statement if the expression evaluates to false (the value 0).
Use a statement block of the form { statement ... } to run multiple statements. One Identity recommends using a statement block for readability.
Accept if the user is contained in the set of trusted users, otherwise continue execution at the next statement:
trustedusers = {"jamie","corey","robyn"}; if (user in trustedusers) accept;
Accept if the user is contained in the set of trusted users, otherwise reject:
trustedusers = {"jamie","corey","robyn"}; if (user in trustedusers) accept; else reject;
Note the use of statement block to handle multiple statements:
trustedusers = {"jamie","corey","robyn"}; if (user in trustedusers) { print("accepted"); accept; } else { print("rejected"); reject; }
include file-name
The Privilege Manager for Unix configuration language contains the include statement, which is used to call out to other configuration files. By splitting your configuration file up into several smaller files, you can eliminate clutter. You can also hand-off control over certain aspects of configuration to different people, by giving them access to the subsidiary configuration files.
If an accept or reject is done within the included file, control never returns to the original file. On the other hand, if no accept or reject is done in the included file, execution will proceed to the end of that file, and then resume in the original file immediately after the include statement.
If a full pathname is not specified, the value of the policydir setting from the /etc/opt/quest/qpm4u/pm.settings file will be pre-pended to the filename.
When handing off control to a subsidiary configuration file whose contents are controlled by a questionable person, you might want to "fix" certain Privilege Manager for Unix variable values so that they cannot be changed by the subsidiary file. Use the readonly and readonlyexcept statements for this purpose.
As an example, you may have an Oracle® database administrator, who you want to be able to administer certain Oracle® programs. Each of those programs is to run as the "oracle" user. You would like the DBA to be able to grant or deny access to these programs and this account without your involvement, but you certainly do not want to give this person power over non-Oracle® parts of the system.
Specify the file to be included as a string expression; it may contain variables. For example, include "/etc/ + usr + ".conf";.
The following configuration file fragment hands off control to a subsidiary configuration file called, /etc/pmorcle.conf, and ensures that if an accept is done within this file, the job being accepted can only run as the oracle user.
oraclecmds = {"oradmin", "oraprint", "orainstall"}; if(command in oraclecmds) { runuser = "oracle"; readonly {"runuser"}; include "/etc/pmoracle.conf"; reject; }
procedure parameter (argument-list)
statement ...
parameter = expression;
function parameter (argument-list)
statement ...
parameter = expression;
A procedure is a named block of code that runs a sequence of one or more statements, and which may declare zero or more parameters. Each parameter is a variable that may optionally have a default value. If a parameter is declared with a default value, then all following parameters must also be declared with a default value. A procedure terminates when the final statement is run or when a return statement is run.
Variables and parameters declared within the procedure have local scope and are discarded when the procedure terminates. If an identifier is referenced within a procedure, the local scope of the procedure is checked first for a variable or parameter with a matching name. If one cannot be found, then the containing scope is checked for a variable with a matching name. If a matching variable still cannot be found, a new variable is declared, with a scope local to the procedure.
A procedure is invoked by specifying the name of the procedure and providing values for each parameter in a comma-separated argument list contained within parentheses. No argument is required if the matching parameter has a default value; in this case, the parameter will be assigned its specified default value.
A procedure may be declared using the procedure or function keywords. Historically, a function returns a value whereas a procedure does not; however, the parser will permit any procedure to return a value regardless of the keyword used. The choice of using the procedure or function keyword is stylistic. If a procedure ends without a return statement, a variable with the same name as the procedure is treated as the return value.
Procedure with no parameters:
procedure include_defaults() { include "/opt/quest/qpm4u/policies/defaults.conf"; } include_defaults();
Procedure with two parameters, one of which has a default value:
procedure process_include_file(fname, fdir="") { topdir = "/opt/quest/qpm4u/policies"; fpath = topdir + "/" + (fdir == "" ? "" : fdir + "/") + fname; if (fileexists(fpath)) { include fpath; } } process_include_file(user + ".conf"); # default value of "" is assigned to parameter fdir process_include_file(user + ".conf", "users"); # parameter fdir is assigned the value "users"
Procedure with a parameter that masks a top-level variable with the same name. This print 1,2,1:
x = 1; procedure foo(x) { print(x); } print(x); foo(2); print(x);
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