Type string READ/WRITE
eventlog contains the full pathname of the file in which audit events are logged. The default pathname is /var/opt/quest/qpm4u/pmevents.db.
adminusers = {"dan","robyn","cory"} if (user in adminusers) eventlog = "/var/log/pm+admin_eventlog_" + user + ".log"; else eventlog = "/var/opt/quest/qpm4u/pmevents.db";
Type string READ/WRITE
eventloghost is a string that defines the host that acts as a centralized event log server.
Type string READ/WRITE
If execfailedmsg is defined, this string sets the error message that displays if pmlocald fails to run runcommand for any reason other than the file not being found.
if (user != "root") { execfailedmsg = "This command is not available to you at this time"; }
Type string READ/WRITE
iolog is the full path name of the keystroke log file in which input, output, and error output is logged.
if (command in {"csh","ksh"}) { iolog_encrypt = true; log_passwords = false; iolog_errmax = 10000; iolog_opmax = 10000; iolog = mktemp("/var/adm/shells/pm." + user + "." + basename(runcommand) + ".XXXXXX"); accept; } else { iolog=mktemp("/var/adm/pm." + user + "." + basename(runcommand) + ".XXXXXX"); }
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