Use the task to edit result lists. Predefined result lists are maintained by installing the schema and cannot be edited apart from a few properties.
To edit a result list
In the Designer, select User interface > User interface navigation category.
Select the Edit result lists task.
In the result list editor, select the result list.
In the edit view, select the Properties view.
Edit the result list properties.
Select the Database > Save to database and click Save.
Use the task to create result lists.
To create a result list
In the Designer, select User interface > User interface navigation category.
Select the Edit result lists task.
Select the Result lists > new result list menu item.
In the result list editor, select the result list.
Edit the result list properties. Enter at least one name for the result list and select the object definition.
(Optional) Configure your own columns for the result list.
Assign the result list to a menu item.
Select the Database > Save to database and click Save.
TIP: You can copy an existing result list. To copy and immediately add a result list, use the Clone context menu item. To copy a result list to the clipboard, use the Copy context menu item. To paste a result list from the clipboard, use the Paste context menu item.
You can define which columns are displayed in the user interface. There are various ways to define the columns for result lists.
The data displayed in the first column of a results list are defined with the display template.
By default, all columns with a list position greater than 0 are displayed in the result lists. The value indicates the default sort order of the columns in result lists or on the overview forms.
Custom columns are defined and displayed.
Use the Do not merge columns option for result lists to specify whether to display all defined columns or only those columns specifically defined for the result list.
If the option is enabled, it displays the columns that are only defined for the result list. Columns that are regularly displayed for a table, are not shown. If the option is disabled, the default columns and custom columns of the result list are displayed.
In the Manager, users can configure which columns are displayed for each result list and change the order of the columns. For more information, see the One Identity Manager User Guide for One Identity Manager Tools User Interface.
In the result lists and the overview form elements, all columns whose list position is greater than 0 are displayed by default. Der Wert gibt die Standardreihenfolge für die Anzeige der Spalte in Ergebnislisten oder auf Übersichtsformularen an.
To display a column in result lists by default
In the Designer, select the One Identity Manager schema category.
Select the table and start the Schema Editor with the Show table definition task.
In the Schema Editor, select the column and change the List position to a value greater than 0.
Select the Database > Save to database and click Save.
The Do not merge columns option is used for result lists or form elements to specify whether to display all defined columns or only those columns specifically defined for the result list or for the form element.
If the option is enabled, it displays the columns that are only defined for the result list or for the form element. Columns that are regularly displayed for a table, are not shown. If the option is disabled, the default columns and custom columns of the result list or form element are displayed.