Creating an app for using SCIM on Slack Enterprise Grid Organization
Creating an app for using SCIM on Slack Enterprise Grid Organization
On the Enterprise Grid, SCIM operations work across the entire organization and not an individual workspaces. A SCIM app can provision, de-provision, and update team members in just one place rather than having to do so across every workspace in an organization.
To achieve this, the OAuth token used for calling SCIM API methods must be obtained by installing the app on the organization and not just a workspace within the organization.
To get a SCIM app working on a grid organization
- Ensure that the web service that is powering your application is able to handle a standard OAuth 2 flow.
Create a new Slack app.
In the application settings, select OAuth & Permissions from the left navigation.
- In the Redirect URLs section, save the URL
In the Scopes section, add the admin scope and click Save Changes.
In the application settings, select Manage Distribution from the left navigation.
- In the Share Your App with Other Workspaces section, make sure all four sections have the green check.
Click Activate Public Distribution.
- Collect the Client Id and Client Secret of the app.
While configuring this application for consent flow in Starling UI, provide the Client Id and Client Secret.
When the consent flow is initiated, the OAuth handshake will install the application on your organization.
You must be logged in as an owner of your Enterprise Grid organization to install the application
- Check the dropdown in the upper right corner of the installation screen to make sure you are installing the application on the Enterprise Grid organization, but not on an individual workspace within the organization.
Once the app completes the OAuth flow, it will grant an OAuth token that can be used for accessing all of the SCIM API methods for the Slack enterprise organization.
Creating a Webex integration application, providing necessary scopes, retrieving Client Id and Client Secret
Creating a Webex integration application, providing necessary scopes, retrieving Client Id and Client Secret
This section describes the procedure to create an integration application, provide necessary scopes, retrieve Client Id and Client Secret
To creating an integration application, providing necessary scopes, retrieving Client Id and Client Secret
- Create a new application of type Integration in
- Provide the redirect URL for US data center and for EU data center of the Starling Connect.
Provide the below scopes
- spark:team_memberships_read
- spark:team_memberships_write
- spark:teams_read
- spark:teams_write
- spark-admin:licenses_read
- spark-admin:organizations_read
- spark-admin:people_read
- spark-admin:people_write
- spark-admin:roles_read
- Collect the client ID and client Secret of the integration application.
Retrieving the API key from Facebook Workplace
Retrieving the API key from Facebook Workplace
This section describes the procedure to retrieve the API key from Facebook Workplace that you must use when you configure the connector in Starling Connect.
To retrieve the API key from Facebook Workplace
In the admin account, go to "Admin Panel", select "Integrations".
Create a Custom Integration.
Go to the custom integration created and under "Details" menu, select the "Create Access Token" and copy the access token created.
- This Access Token is to be used as the value for API Key in the Connector Configuration.
Under "Permissions" menu of the custom integration, select the permissions:
- Read group membership
- Manage accounts
- Manage groups
- Manage work profiles
- Provision user accounts
- Read group content
- Read user email
- Read work profile
Under the "Give integration access to groups" section of "Permissions" page, select the "Group permissions" to "All groups".
Outbound IP addresses
This section has the list of outbound IP Addresses for all the Starling Connect connectors. The outbound connection from a given Starling Connect connector uses one of the outbound IP addresses as the origin IP address. To white list the connector in firewall environments, administrators are recommended to open its firewall to all the possible outbound IP addresses listed against the each given connector.
- As Starling Connect connectors are SaaS based deployments, the outbound IP list may get added with new IP addresses. This happens very rarely and only after the given Additional Possible Outbound IP addresses are consumed.
- We recommend customers to check this list for latest IP addresses in case of failures in the communication.
Click the connector name in the list for the outbound IP addresses of the particular connector: