Mandatory fields
The Okta connector allows you to connect Okta with One Identity Starling Connect enabling you to take advantage of the features and products available in Starling Connect that complement and enhance the services provided by Okta.
Okta provides single sign-on, multi-factor authentication and Platform Services, which is a set of modular components that can be used to address requirements that are specific to an organization.
Supervisor configuration parameters
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Configuring custom attributes for Okta
You can configure custom attributes for the Okta connector in Starling Connect for Users and Groups in the Custom Attributes section in Schema Configuration.
Support for MultiValued Custom attributes
In connector schema, only String datatype corresponds to the multivalued custom attribute.
Connector output format for multivalued custom attributes will be as shown below:
As per the connector output format, the values will be double semicolon separated(;;) and will be enclosed inside opening and closing square brackets.
Opening and closing square brackets help to ensure that the attribute is of multivalued type.
Supported objects and operations
Table 210: Supported operations for Users
Create User |
Update User |
Delete User |
Get User |
Get All Users |
Get All Users with pagination |
Table 211: Supported operations for Groups
Create Group |
Update Group |
Delete Group |
Get Group |
Get All Groups |
Get All Groups with pagination |
Create Membership |
Add Membership |
Delete Membership |
- FamilyName
- Username
- Email
- Password
User and Group mapping
The user and group mappings are listed in the tables below.
Table 212: User mapping
Active |
tatus == "ACTIVE" |
Addresses.Country |
countryCode |
Addresses.Locality |
city |
Addresses.PostalCode |
zipCode |
Addresses.Region |
state |
Addresses.StreetAddress |
streetAddress |
DisplayName |
displayName |
Emails.value |
email |
Extension.CostCenter |
costCenter |
Extension.Department |
department |
Extension.Division |
division |
Extension.EmployeeNumber |
employeeNumber |
Extension.Manager.DisplayName |
manager |
Extension.Manager.value |
managerId |
Extension.Organization |
organization |
Extension.PasswordChanged |
passwordChanged |
Extension.typeID | |
Groups[].display (On Demand) | (groupsForUserResponse) |
Groups[].value (On Demand) |
Id (groupsForUserResponse) |
Id |
id |
Locale |
locale |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Name.FamilyName |
lastName |
Name.GivenName |
firstName |
Name.HonorificPrefix |
honorificPrefix |
Name.HonorificSuffix |
honorificSuffix |
Name.MiddleName |
middleName |
NickName |
nickName |
PhoneNumbers.value |
primaryPhone |
PreferredLanguage |
preferredLanguage |
Timezone |
timezone |
Title |
title |
UserName |
login |
UserType |
userType |
Table 213: Group mapping
Id |
id |
displayName | |
Extension.Description |
profile.description |
Extension.GroupType |
type |
Members[].value |
id (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Members[].display |
profile.displayName (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Extension.lastLogin |
lastLogin |
Connector limitations
- Get Users and Groups by pagination will return resources in multiples of 100. The resource count will be same as the next nearest multiple of 100. For example, if the count is specified as 325, the resource count will be 400.
- Inactivated User can be still be fetched.
Password update is not possible through the connector since it expects old and new passwords as parameter. Old password can never be fetched for any user.
UserName should be in the format of email id.
- The connector deletes a user permanently from the target system irrespective of its status. When you perform a DELETE operation on:
- a deprovisioned user, the user is deleted permanently.
- an active user, the user is, first, deprovisioned and then deleted permanently. This process is taken care internally.
When you modify the email value, both the username and email values get updated. But when you modify the username alone, only the username gets updated with the username value. user who hav not been deactivated, the user gets deactivated.
- After activating a user, the active value will still be false until the user verifies or changes their password through the mail sent by Okta while activating the user.
User and Group mapping
The Okta connector allows you to connect Okta with One Identity Starling Connect enabling you to take advantage of the features and products available in Starling Connect that complement and enhance the services provided by Okta.
Okta provides single sign-on, multi-factor authentication and Platform Services, which is a set of modular components that can be used to address requirements that are specific to an organization.
Supervisor configuration parameters
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Configuring custom attributes for Okta
You can configure custom attributes for the Okta connector in Starling Connect for Users and Groups in the Custom Attributes section in Schema Configuration.
Support for MultiValued Custom attributes
In connector schema, only String datatype corresponds to the multivalued custom attribute.
Connector output format for multivalued custom attributes will be as shown below:
As per the connector output format, the values will be double semicolon separated(;;) and will be enclosed inside opening and closing square brackets.
Opening and closing square brackets help to ensure that the attribute is of multivalued type.
Supported objects and operations
Table 210: Supported operations for Users
Create User |
Update User |
Delete User |
Get User |
Get All Users |
Get All Users with pagination |
Table 211: Supported operations for Groups
Create Group |
Update Group |
Delete Group |
Get Group |
Get All Groups |
Get All Groups with pagination |
Create Membership |
Add Membership |
Delete Membership |
Mandatory fields
- FamilyName
- Username
- Email
- Password
The user and group mappings are listed in the tables below.
Table 212: User mapping
Active |
tatus == "ACTIVE" |
Addresses.Country |
countryCode |
Addresses.Locality |
city |
Addresses.PostalCode |
zipCode |
Addresses.Region |
state |
Addresses.StreetAddress |
streetAddress |
DisplayName |
displayName |
Emails.value |
email |
Extension.CostCenter |
costCenter |
Extension.Department |
department |
Extension.Division |
division |
Extension.EmployeeNumber |
employeeNumber |
Extension.Manager.DisplayName |
manager |
Extension.Manager.value |
managerId |
Extension.Organization |
organization |
Extension.PasswordChanged |
passwordChanged |
Extension.typeID | |
Groups[].display (On Demand) | (groupsForUserResponse) |
Groups[].value (On Demand) |
Id (groupsForUserResponse) |
Id |
id |
Locale |
locale |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Name.FamilyName |
lastName |
Name.GivenName |
firstName |
Name.HonorificPrefix |
honorificPrefix |
Name.HonorificSuffix |
honorificSuffix |
Name.MiddleName |
middleName |
NickName |
nickName |
PhoneNumbers.value |
primaryPhone |
PreferredLanguage |
preferredLanguage |
Timezone |
timezone |
Title |
title |
UserName |
login |
UserType |
userType |
Table 213: Group mapping
Id |
id |
displayName | |
Extension.Description |
profile.description |
Extension.GroupType |
type |
Members[].value |
id (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Members[].display |
profile.displayName (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Extension.lastLogin |
lastLogin |
Connector limitations
- Get Users and Groups by pagination will return resources in multiples of 100. The resource count will be same as the next nearest multiple of 100. For example, if the count is specified as 325, the resource count will be 400.
- Inactivated User can be still be fetched.
Password update is not possible through the connector since it expects old and new passwords as parameter. Old password can never be fetched for any user.
UserName should be in the format of email id.
- The connector deletes a user permanently from the target system irrespective of its status. When you perform a DELETE operation on:
- a deprovisioned user, the user is deleted permanently.
- an active user, the user is, first, deprovisioned and then deleted permanently. This process is taken care internally.
When you modify the email value, both the username and email values get updated. But when you modify the username alone, only the username gets updated with the username value. user who hav not been deactivated, the user gets deactivated.
- After activating a user, the active value will still be false until the user verifies or changes their password through the mail sent by Okta while activating the user.
Connector limitations
The Okta connector allows you to connect Okta with One Identity Starling Connect enabling you to take advantage of the features and products available in Starling Connect that complement and enhance the services provided by Okta.
Okta provides single sign-on, multi-factor authentication and Platform Services, which is a set of modular components that can be used to address requirements that are specific to an organization.
Supervisor configuration parameters
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Configuring custom attributes for Okta
You can configure custom attributes for the Okta connector in Starling Connect for Users and Groups in the Custom Attributes section in Schema Configuration.
Support for MultiValued Custom attributes
In connector schema, only String datatype corresponds to the multivalued custom attribute.
Connector output format for multivalued custom attributes will be as shown below:
As per the connector output format, the values will be double semicolon separated(;;) and will be enclosed inside opening and closing square brackets.
Opening and closing square brackets help to ensure that the attribute is of multivalued type.
Supported objects and operations
Table 210: Supported operations for Users
Create User |
Update User |
Delete User |
Get User |
Get All Users |
Get All Users with pagination |
Table 211: Supported operations for Groups
Create Group |
Update Group |
Delete Group |
Get Group |
Get All Groups |
Get All Groups with pagination |
Create Membership |
Add Membership |
Delete Membership |
Mandatory fields
- FamilyName
- Username
- Email
- Password
User and Group mapping
The user and group mappings are listed in the tables below.
Table 212: User mapping
Active |
tatus == "ACTIVE" |
Addresses.Country |
countryCode |
Addresses.Locality |
city |
Addresses.PostalCode |
zipCode |
Addresses.Region |
state |
Addresses.StreetAddress |
streetAddress |
DisplayName |
displayName |
Emails.value |
email |
Extension.CostCenter |
costCenter |
Extension.Department |
department |
Extension.Division |
division |
Extension.EmployeeNumber |
employeeNumber |
Extension.Manager.DisplayName |
manager |
Extension.Manager.value |
managerId |
Extension.Organization |
organization |
Extension.PasswordChanged |
passwordChanged |
Extension.typeID | |
Groups[].display (On Demand) | (groupsForUserResponse) |
Groups[].value (On Demand) |
Id (groupsForUserResponse) |
Id |
id |
Locale |
locale |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Name.FamilyName |
lastName |
Name.GivenName |
firstName |
Name.HonorificPrefix |
honorificPrefix |
Name.HonorificSuffix |
honorificSuffix |
Name.MiddleName |
middleName |
NickName |
nickName |
PhoneNumbers.value |
primaryPhone |
PreferredLanguage |
preferredLanguage |
Timezone |
timezone |
Title |
title |
UserName |
login |
UserType |
userType |
Table 213: Group mapping
Id |
id |
displayName | |
Extension.Description |
profile.description |
Extension.GroupType |
type |
Members[].value |
id (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Members[].display |
profile.displayName (GetGroupMembersResponse[]) |
Meta.Created |
created |
Meta.LastModified |
lastUpdated |
Extension.lastLogin |
lastLogin |
- Get Users and Groups by pagination will return resources in multiples of 100. The resource count will be same as the next nearest multiple of 100. For example, if the count is specified as 325, the resource count will be 400.
- Inactivated User can be still be fetched.
Password update is not possible through the connector since it expects old and new passwords as parameter. Old password can never be fetched for any user.
UserName should be in the format of email id.
- The connector deletes a user permanently from the target system irrespective of its status. When you perform a DELETE operation on:
- a deprovisioned user, the user is deleted permanently.
- an active user, the user is, first, deprovisioned and then deleted permanently. This process is taken care internally.
When you modify the email value, both the username and email values get updated. But when you modify the username alone, only the username gets updated with the username value. user who hav not been deactivated, the user gets deactivated.
- After activating a user, the active value will still be false until the user verifies or changes their password through the mail sent by Okta while activating the user.
The Datadog connector allows you to connect Datadog with One Identity Starling enabling you to take advantage of the features and products available with Starling Connect that complement and enhance Datadog's real-time interactive dashboards and monitoring services.
Supervisor configuration parameters
To configure the connector, following parameters are required:
Supported objects and operations
Table 214: Supported operations for Users
Create User |
Update User |
Delete User |
Get User by id |
Get All Users |
Mandatory field
User mapping
The user mappings are listed in the tables below.
Table 215: User mapping
Id |
handle |
UserName |
email |
Name.Formatted |
name |
DisplayName |
name |
Emails[].Value |
email |
Roles[].Value |
access_role |
Roles[].Display |
roles[].name |
Active |
disabled |
Connector limitations
The email ID of users cannot be updated.
You cannot create duplicate users. When you try to create a duplicate user, you do not get any warning message.
The list of roles for the connector require timely update according to the changes at the target system.
The creation of an user with administration access role requires administrators application key.
Users are created with DataDog Standard role by default if it is not specified in the request.
- Test Connectivity may display 502 Bad Gateway error inconsistently, due to cloud application behavior.
Synchronization and integration of Roles object type with One Identity Manager
For more information, see Synchronization and integration of Roles object type with One Identity Manager