Active Roles Tracking Log/Active Roles Workflow/
- Approvals and Rejections Lists operation requests that were submitted via Active Roles and approved or rejected during the specified period of time, allowing you to examine approver actions. You can filter the list by name of the person who approved or rejected requests (approver), name of the person whose requests were subject to approval (initiator), approval decision (approved or rejected requests), and name and location of operation target objects. You can group the list by approver, initiator, or operation target object.
- Workflow Monitoring Lists events specific to Active Roles workflow and groups them by operation that started workflow or by name of workflow, allowing you to monitor workflow instances. For each workflow instance, the report identifies the operation request that caused the instance to start, and lists the date and time that the instance was started, the person who submitted the operation request (initiator), the operation target object, the server intended to perform the request, along with all events that occurred during the lifetime of the workflow instance. You can filter the list of workflow instances by various parameters, such as date and time, operation ID, workflow name, operation initiator, target object, event category, and event ID.