The heatmap in the Web Portal presents roles and organizations as colored squares. They are intended to help you quickly visualize particularly prominent values within a large amount of data and to comprehend them at a glance. The size of the rectangles corresponds to the relative size of the role or organization. The more identities you have in a company's structure, for example, the larger the rectangle in the view.
The rectangle colors correspond to a selectable, linked-in data value, and range from red to green, where red stands for a value tending to require more attention. Red indicates, for example, a lot of compliance rule violations or identities with high risk indexes. Yellow indicates for an average, which can also mean that there has been no changes to this company structure since the last analysis. The heatmap not only provides a clear overview of the current data, but also provides another useful function by making a historical comparison to previous data.
You can see the following risky results or properties in a heatmap.
- Policy violations
- Average number of permissions per identity
- Highest identity risk index
- Average identity risk index
- Rule violations
- Highest resource risk index by host