The delivery options determine whether notifications are to be sent immediately or on a scheduled basis. The option of immediate delivery causes the activity to generate a separate message upon every occurrence of the event to notify of. The option of scheduled delivery can be used for aggregating notifications. If you select the scheduled delivery option, all notifications about the event occurrences within a time period of your choice are grouped and sent as a single message.
Notification messages are based on a message template that determines the format and contents of an e-mail notification message, including the message subject and body. A template is an HTML-formatted document that you can view or change as required to customize notification messages. The template text may include dynamic content that is generated at run time by retrieving information from the running instance of the workflow process. Notification messages are created, and normally sent, in HTML format. You can optionally configure the activity to format and send notification messages as plain text.
The Web Interface address setting specifies the address (URL) of the Active Roles Web Interface. The activity uses this setting to construct hyperlinks in the notification messages.
The email server setting determines the name and other parameters of the email server that is used for delivery of notification messages.