Update the SaaS product user properties
For an existing Active Roles Starling Connect user, you can use the Active Roles Web Interface to update the properties. When Active Roles user properties are updated, if the user property is mapped to Starling Connect User properties, then the changes are reflected for the selected connected system.
Delete the SaaS product user
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to delete an existing Active Roles Starling Connect user. When the Active Roles user is deleted, then the user is deleted on the selected connected system.
Deprovision an existing Active Roles user for SaaS products
Active Roles provides the ability to deprovision SaaS product users. When an Active Roles user is deprovisioned, if the user is mapped to Starling Connect, then the user is deprovisioned from the selected connected system. This means the Active Role SaaS product user is prevented from logging on to the network and connecting to any of the connected systems through the registered connectors.
The Deprovision command on a user updates the account as prescribed by the deprovisioning policies.
Active Roles comes with a default policy to automate some commonly-used deprovisioning tasks, and allows the administrator to configure and apply additional policies.
To deprovision a user for a SaaS product
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Active Directory.
The list of Active Directory domains is displayed.
Click the specific domain, Container or the Organizational Unit, and then select the check box corresponding to the specific user, which you want to deprovision for SaaS products
- Select the user, and in the Command pane, click Deprovision.
A message is displayed prompting you to confirm the account deprovision.
- Click Yes, to continue
Wait while Active Roles updates the user.
After the task is completed, a message is displayed that the account is deprovisioned successfully from Active Roles.
If the user is mapped to Starling Connect, then the user is deprovisioned from the connected systems.
To undo deprovision of a user for a SaaS product
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Active Directory.
The list of Active Directory domains is displayed.
Click the specific domain, Container or the Organizational Unit, and then select the check box corresponding to the specific user, which you want to undo deprovision for SaaS products.
- In in the Command pane, click UndoDeprovisioning.
The Password Options dialog box is displayed.
- Select the option to Leave the Password unchanged or Reset the password, and click OK.
Notifications for Starling operations
The Notification pane displays the notification specific to Starling operations. The notifications are classified into Starling Connect and Updates.
- You must enable Port 7465 (HTTP) TCP Inbound/Outbound and Port 7466 (HTTPS) TCP Inbound/Outbound for the notifications to work. For more information, see Access to domain controllers.
- The Web Interface machine must be able to resolve Service machine name for Notifications to work.
To view the Starling Connect notification
- On the Active Roles Web interface, click the notification icon.
Starling Connect and Updates tabs are displayed.
- Click the Starling Connect tab to view the notifications specific to SaaS operations.

NOTE: The latest five notifications are sent only to the initiator of the operation. |
To view the Updates
- On the Active Roles Web interface, click the notification icon.
Starling Connect and Updates tabs are displayed.
- Click the Updates tab to view the important updates about Starling.
- For more information on the notification, click Read More.

NOTE: The notifications are sent to all the users who have joined Starling on the Administration website. |
To view notifications on the Notifications page
- On the Active Roles Web interface, click the notification icon.
Starling Connect and Updates tabs are displayed.
Click the Starling Connect tab to view the notifications specific to SaaS operations.
The latest five notifications are displayed with the configuration status and a brief description.
Click View all notifications to view the details about the notification.
The Notification page is displayed.
Click Filter drop-down menu to filter the notifications based on time, connector name , status, and keywords.
- Select the required notifications and click Export to CSV from the Action drop-down menu. Click Go. You can also delete a notification by selecting a particular checkbox.
- Point the mouse to the notification in the Message column to view a detailed description. Expand the connector information available next to the connector check box to view the detailed description. The description pane gives the link to Change History of that particular object for more details. You can also copy the message in case of a failure.
Configuring notification settings
You can configure notifications settings from the Home screen | Settings page and Home screen | Customization | Global Settings.
To configure notification settings on the Settings page
- On the Active Roles Web interface, click the Settings.
The Settings page is displayed.
- On the Settings page, enter the time in minutes for which the notification is to be visible in Time (in minutes) for which the notification is visible field.

NOTE: By default, the time is set to 0 and the notifications do not expire. You can update the time to the required limit in minutes. |
- Enter the number of notifications to be stored in Maximum number of notifications to be stored in Active Roles field.

NOTE: The maximum number of notifications that can be stored is 1000. |
To configure notification settings on the Customization page
- On the Active Roles Web interface, click the Customization.
The Customization page is displayed.
- On the Customization page, click Global Settings.
- In the Settings applied for every user of the Web Interface by default section, enter the time in minutes for which the notification is to be visible in Time (in minutes) for which the notification is visible field.

NOTE: By default, the time is set to 0. You can update the time to the required limit in minutes. |
- Enter the number of notifications to be stored in Maximum number of notifications to be stored in Active Roles field.

NOTE: The maximum number of notifications that can be stored is 1000. |
IMPORTANT: For notifications to work as expected, you must perform the following, if you are using ActiveRoles website over HTTPS: