Steps for managing nested Access Templates
To configure an Access Template to include another Access Template
- In the console tree, under Configuration | Access Templates, locate and select the folder that contains the Access Template you want to configure.
- In the details pane, right-click the Access Template, and click Properties.
- On the Nesting tab, click Add, and then select the Access Template you want to be included in the Access Template you are configuring.
- Configuring an Access Template to include another Access Template is referred to as nesting. The Nesting tab provides a list of Access Templates that are nested into the Access Template. You can add Access Templates to the list or remove Access Templates from the list.
- Nesting an Access Template into a target Access Template causes the list of permission entries in the target Access Template to be extended with the permission entries of the nested Access Template. Thus, if Access Template A is nested into Access Template B, all the permission entries found in Access Template A are added to the list of permission entries in Access Template B.
- You can view a consolidated list of permission entries for the Access Template: On the Nesting tab, click All Permissions. The list includes both the permission entries that are configured in the Access Template and the permission entries found in each Access Template that is nested into the Access Template. Note that the Permissions tab in the Properties dialog box lists only those permission entries that are configured in the Access Template. The permission entries that are inherited from other Access Templates by reason of nesting are not listed on the Permissions tab.
- You can view the Access Templates into which the selected Access Template is nested: On the Nesting tab, click Nested In. Double-clicking items in the Nested In list opens the Properties dialog box for each of the Access Templates that the selected Access Template is nested into.
- Nesting allows you to reuse the existing pre-defined or custom Access Templates. For example, if you need to add permission entries to the pre-defined Access Template Help Desk, then you can create a new Access Template, nest the Help Desk Access Template into the newly created Access Template, and add permission entries to the new Access Template as needed.
Copying an Access Template
With the Active Roles console, you can create copies of Access Templates. This feature helps you re-use existing Access Templates. For example, if you need to modify a predefined Access Template, you can create a copy of that Access Template and then modify the copy as needed.
To create a copy of an Access Template, right-click the Access Template, and click Copy. This opens the Copy Object – Access Template wizard. Type a name and description for the copy, and then click Next.
On the next page, the wizard displays a list of permission entries. By default, the list includes all entries defined in the original Access Template. You can modify the list in the same way as on the Permissions tab in the Properties dialog box for an Access Template (see Adding, modifying, or removing permissions earlier in this chapter). When you are done with the list of permission entries, click Next, and then click Finish to complete the wizard.
Steps for copying an Access Template
To copy an Access Template
- In the console tree, under Configuration | Access Templates, locate and select the folder that contains the Access Template you want to copy.
- In the details pane, right-click the Access Template, and then click Copy to start the Copy Object - Access Template wizard.
- On the first page of the wizard, do the following, and then click Next:
- In the Name box, type a name for the new Access Template.
- In the Description box, type any optional information about the new Access Template.
- On the second page of the wizard, you can add, modify, and delete the permission entries that were copied from the original Access Template. Do the following, and then click Next:
- To add a permission entry to the new Access Template, click Add.
- To modify a permission entry for the new Access Template, select the entry from the list, and click View/Edit.
- To delete a permission entry from the new Access Template, select the entry from the list, and click Remove.
For detailed instructions on how to add or modify a permission entry, see Steps for creating an Access Template earlier in this document.
- Click Finish to complete the creation of the new Access Template.
Exporting and importing Access Templates
With the Active Roles console, you can export Access Templates to an XML file and then import them from that file to populate another instance of Active Roles. The export and import operations provide a way to move Access Templates from a test environment to a production environment, and vice versa.
NOTE: When you export and then import an Access Template, only permission entries are transferred. The Access Template links are not exported, and therefore you need to reconfigure them manually after you have imported the Access Template. |
To export Access Templates, select them, right-click the selection, and select All Tasks | Export. In the Export Objects dialog box, specify the file where you want to save the data, and click Save.
To import Access Templates, right-click the container where you want to place the Access Templates, and then click Import. In the Import Directory Objects dialog box, select the file to which the Access Templates were exported, and click Open.